Green energy

Taking a pro-active approach to producing a greener footprint in a developing country.

The first private entity to produce renewable energy for self consumption in Uzbekistan.

Levering our resources to reduce our carbon footprint.

Sustainable development goals
No poverty
Decent work and economic growth
Reduced Inequalities
Climate action
Affordable and Clean Energy
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Responsible Consumption and Production
The challenge is greater than what meets the eyes
1. Solar panel installation on rooftop of our warehouse in Uzbekistan: 160 m2
2. Limited surface for maximum agility
3. <15 years to repay investment in a country with the cheapest electricity in the world
4. Large environmental advantage: 30-60 Mln tons of CO2 offset
Turning constraints into opportunities


- Leverage our assets to self produce electricity

- Decarbonize and reduce cost

- Can be imitated by others: lead the change!

Will deliver …

- Decreased Carbon Footprint

- Lower OPEX, resell excess to other plants

- Inspire change and promote skills